Jens Alberts

Successful extension of the DFG research project for another three years

Transition to the second project phase of “Getrost Vergessen“: Determinants and effects of a trusted use of information systems in organizations

Our DFG-funded research project has been extended for another three years and is now entering its second project phase. In the second phase of the project, the focus is on the practical transfer of the research results of the first project phase. The implementation of an information system into the everyday work of a practice partner and the longitudinal analysis of the consequences of this implementation form the core of the second project phase.

Read more about Successful extension of the DFG research project for another three years
Jens Alberts

New publication of Getrost Vergessen in the Encyclopedia of Electronic HRM

On the importance of trust in the context of the introduction of electronic technologies in human resources management

Abstract: Human Resource Management (HRM) activities, such as recruitment, leadership, andpersonnel development often rely on social interactions. One crucial element of suc-cessful interactions is mutual trust. Indeed, trust has been shown to be correlatedwith effective HRM activities and performance in organizations in various ways (e.g. Breuer, Hüffmeier, & Hertel, 2016; Colquitt, Scott, & LePine, 2007). Digitalization of HRM might further increase the significance of trust due to reduced face-to-face inter-action.

Read more about New publication of Getrost Vergessen in the Encyclopedia of Electronic HRM
Jens Alberts

Presentation at ECIS 2019 on Trust Management

Vortrag von Dennis Riehle in Stockholm

Last week we presented our results on trust management at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2019), June 10-14 in Stockholm, Sweden. In the publication we deal with the question of how trust in information systems can be actively promoted through management decisions. Especially in the domain of business informatics, trust has to be integrated more strongly into the design of information systems, for example by taking trust more into account in process management.

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Jens Alberts

The tandem workshop 2019 will take place in Münster

This year's SPP1921 Tandem Workshop will take place in Münster, Germany, March 28-29, 2019. The venue will be the conference rooms of the Factory Hotels at the Germania Campus (An der Germania-Brauerei 5, 48159 Münster). We are very much looking forward to welcoming all partners of the priority program in Münster, as well as to an exciting exchange between the nine tandem projects.

Read more about The tandem workshop 2019 will take place in Münster
Jens Alberts

Presentation at the DesignForum Münster

Current research shows that trust is a significant aspect for user experience, acceptance and system usage. Thus, the question of trust is also highly relevant in the design of systems. But what actually constitutes trust in digital systems? At the meeting of the DesignForum Münster, Meinald Thielsch and Sarah Meeßen presented current results and theoretical models from the Getrost vergessen project on this topic and discussed practical recommendations with the designers present.



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