The tandem workshop 2019 will take place in Münster

This year's SPP1921 Tandem Workshop will take place in Münster, Germany, March 28-29, 2019. The venue will be the conference rooms of the Factory Hotels at the Germania Campus (An der Germania-Brauerei 5, 48159 Münster). We are very much looking forward to welcoming all partners of the priority program in Münster, as well as to an exciting exchange between the nine tandem projects.
Thursday, March 28
13:30 h | Arrival plus lunch snacks |
14:00 h | Welcoming |
14:15 h |
Scientific presentations and networking afterwards Simulation als wissenschaftliches Experiment Modelle von Gruppendynamik und Entscheidung: Von agentenbasierter Modellierung zu kognitiven Agenten |
19:00 h | Dinner at the hotel restaurant „EAT“ |
Friday, March 29
09:00 h | Welcoming |
09:15 h | Modeling Keynote Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte |
10:00 h |
Scientific presentations Wie können formale Sprachen intentional vergessen (machen)? Petri-Netz-basierte Modellierung arbeitsbezogener Gewohnheiten Modellierung von Wissen in Geschäftsprozessen |
13:30 h | Lunch |
14:00 h |
Networking Following lunch, the seminar room will continue to be available until the evening as a venue for joint exchange. |